Strategies to Attract Customers With Your Business Story

Using Storytelling to attract customers with your Business Story Are your customers engaging with your messages or not even noticing them? Are your prospects paying attention or paying someone else? What’s the one magic ingredient that […]


Become a Mindful Marketer: How to Focus, Engage Empathy and Embrace Challenges

“We need to win the battle for human attention.” – CEO Microsoft Satya Nadella Why and how you manage your attention matters to the success of your business, your leadership style, and your personal ability to […]


Your Business Story: The Foundation of a Successful Digital Marketing Campaign

Learn to Tell Your Business Story and Use it to Connect with Customers By Dan Grech Founder and CEO, BizHack Academy Byron Kibort runs Runner’s High, a specialty shoe store. He’s a competitive runner, and I […]


How Small Businesses Can Use Location Data

Using Location Data to Level Up Your Marketing Back in the day, you needed to volunteer your location. Now, we have technology that allows us to figure out your location without volunteering it. The data provided […]


Ice Cream Entrepreneur Shares his Digital Marketing Story

Learn From Our Digital Marketing Certificate Graduates Ian Tepoot graduated from BizHack Academy’s digital marketing certificate program, The Digital Marketer’s Edge. The DME is a seven-week, fast-paced, high-impact program that aims to give small businesses the […]


Brand Seduction: How Neuroscience Can Help Small Businesses Build Memorable Brands

Most entrepreneurs don’t think about how to build their brand. But that’s a mistake. Far more than a logo, a strong brand can excite investors, inspire employees, attract great talent, and help focus your company. In […]


3 Necessities for Generating Small Business Leads

What You Need To Generate Small Business Leads Generating small business leads is the lifeblood of running a successful organization that is ready to grow and thrive. There are many approaches to lead generation for small […]


Why Using Notes Can Level Up Any Presentation

Use This Skill To Champion Your Next Presentation While you may think that you will remember every important point in your speech or presentation, Dave Bricker, award-winning speaker, and author, during his #BizHackLive webinar encouraged professionals […]


The Small Business Guide to Influencer Marketing When You Don’t Know Where to Start

Cristy Stewart-Harfmann is the founder of Happy Family Blog, a lifestyle blog. Their goal is to help families learn to celebrate everyday moments. Being an influencer she has learned the ins and outs of influencer marketing […]


How Agile Methodologies Can Help Your Business Overcome Uncertainty

Using Agile Methodologies to Help Your Business Grow Agile leadership is the idea of businesses and owners thinking differently, acting quickly, and adapting in order to stay relevant and continue seeing growth.  The biggest “why” behind […]