Brand Seduction: How Neuroscience Can Help Small Businesses Build Memorable Brands

Most entrepreneurs don’t think about how to build their brand. But that’s a mistake. Far more than a logo, a strong brand can excite investors, inspire employees, attract great talent, and help focus your company. In this dynamic “Brand Seduction” webinar, author Daryl Weber digs deeper into the nature of brands, how they exist and behave in the mind, and how marketers and business leaders can use this understanding to “seduce” customers and grow their businesses. He will explore the unconscious side of brands and show business owners how to decode, build, and use hidden “brand fantasies” to grow your brand and business. This interactive workshop will give you the fundamentals and tools to build out a powerful, resonant brand that can help guide everything your growing company does and breed strong consumer loyalty. 

Daryl will make the science of brains and brands not just easy to understand, but fascinating and easily applicable. Through simple language, real-world examples, and engaging storytelling, Daryl shows audiences the power of the unconscious side of brands, and how they can uncover and tap into this often ignored engine for brand growth.


In this dynamic 60-minute live webinar, Daryl will inspire you to tap into the hidden, unconscious power of your brands. 

You’ll learn:

  • The surprising unconscious side of brands
  • The biggest myths about consumer psychology 
  • The real role of emotions in building brands
  • Practical tools to use neuroscience to inspire better marketing
  • What a brand positioning is and why you need one
  • The mistakes most small businesses make when building their brands
  • The key elements to any strong brand and how to build your own
  • How to use your brand to guide your company and its marketing

Want to learn more about building your personal brand? Discover how LinkedIn can help you build a brand that people can connect to and love.