
Marketing Coaching

Solutions In Motion
BizHack provides four coaching packaging:
1. Business Story Consultation
2. Leading Building System LBS™ SWOT Analysis
3. Thought Leadership Pyramid TLP™ Consultation
4. One Size Fits One 1:1 Coaching in Marketing Strategy





Is your story at the core of everything you do? The Business Story Consultation gives you the unique opportunity to unearth, define and sharpen your purpose-driven Business Story with founder Dan Grech. Rediscover your Core Purpose and transform it into your ‘Story of Me’ – the foundation of your marketing strategy.
How it Works
  • Uncover your Business Story (Core Purpose and Story of Me) for marketing/sales and leadership/hiring
  • Work with Dan to write up your Corporate Bio, your Owner Bio, and your personal LinkedIn About section.
  • Receive clear guidance on where to deploy your Business Story on all channels and how to best use your core purpose to connect with your customers.

Your investment $2,497


SWOT Analysis

The ultimate marketing kickstart – this consultation will assess your marketing strengths and weaknesses, identify your target customers, preferred channels and platforms, and recommend high impact marketing campaigns.
How it Works
  • Our coaches will connect with you over three one-hour coaching sessions and support you through a few hours of self study.

  • You will learn to apply the Lead Building System™, a proven process for small business marketing, to your current business.

  • We’ll help you shore up your weaknesses, grab low-hanging fruit, and map out immediate next steps.

  • At the end of your engagement, you will receive a full report recommending which marketing campaigns will drive ROI. 

Your investment $2,497

To learn more about our lead building system, download our LBS ebook.



If you are looking for a complete marketing strategy overhaul, our Thought Leadership consultation is the perfect approach. During this consultation, we work with you to implement marketing best practices and systems to empower your mission-driven marketing.
How it Works

We will pair you up with one of our 50+ certified Marketing Coaches with specific expertise to help you:

  • Develop an influencer marketing strategy
  • Effectively manage your agency
  • Develop a content engine for SEO
  • Improve the performance of your Google Ads
  • And much more…

Every package requires a custom consultation. Book a call with us today for details and pricing.

How many opportunities are you missing daily by not maximizing your presence on Linkedin?


Coaching in Marketing Strategy

Marketing is one size fits one, meaning that every business owner and every business has its own unique needs. These sessions provide accountability and acceleration with a Marketing Coach who helps track your progress, map out additional areas of opportunity and speed up your progress.
How it Works
This customized coaching package will be tailor-made to address the specific strategic and tactical blockages that are holding your growth back. BizHack will match you with subject matter experts who can specifically address your challenges and implement AI-based tools where needed. You will be paired with a BizHack-certified Marketing Coach whose background and expertise align with your growth needs. BizHack has developed two proprietary frameworks for purpose-driven marketing, which your team will be trained on and are embedded in every aspect of the work we do together:
  • The Lead Building System LBS™ (read more here)
  • The Thought Leadership Pyramid TLP™ (read more here)
No long-term commitment required. Pay the 1st of the month, cancel anytime and close out the month.
Hourly coaching sessions with a certified BizHack Marketing Coach
  • Once per week: $997/mo.
  • Twice per month: $597/mo.
  • Once per month: $347/mo.


Sacha Aawa

Marketing Coach Sacha Awwa draws from her experience launching new digital products for the New York Times to accelerate small business growth

Yoel Gutierrez

Marketing Coach Yoel Gutierrez leverages his experience growing one of the top pest control franchises in the country to lead a Mastermind group called Franchise Empire Builders

Marika Lynch

Marketing Coach Marika Lynch, a two-time Pulitzer Prize winning former Miami Herald journalist, helps arts organizations and media organizations find new audiences and raise money

Looking to upskill your team?

We also offer customized coaching and courses for corporations. For more information, book a consultation.


We know growth starts with a connection to the right systems, people, and purpose. You deserve to work with a team of experienced marketing leaders who can truly help your organization navigate towards a stronger strategy, sustainable solutions, and real impact.

Fractional CMO

Find Your People

Place a part-time head of marketing (Chief Marketing Officer) in your company. Learn how we find your perfect match.

Executive Coaching

Grow With Purpose

Work one on one with one of our senior coaches to implement our proprietary systems. Learn how we hold you accountable.

Interactive Courses

Drive Real Impact

Enroll in immersive courses to learn the fundamentals of purpose-driven marketing. Learn our proprietary systems and frameworks on your schedule



“BizHack has become a major success and force within Miami’s tech and marketing community.”

Hispanic Executive Magazine

Quartz is one of the many prominent media outlets and publications that has featured the BizHack digital marketing school for communications and sales professionals and business owners
Hispanic Executive is one of the many prominent media outlets and publications that has featured the BizHack digital marketing school for communications and sales professionals and business owners
Washington Post is one of the many prominent media outlets and publications that has featured the BizHack digital marketing school for communications and sales professionals and business owners
Univision is one of the many prominent media outlets and publications that has featured the BizHack digital marketing school for communications and sales professionals and business owners
BizHack Academy instructors and coaches are all experienced digital marketing practitioners who have worked at top corporations and businesses including Miami Herald