Why Using Notes Can Level Up Any Presentation

Use This Skill To Champion Your Next Presentation

While you may think that you will remember every important point in your speech or presentation, Dave Bricker, award-winning speaker, and author, during his #BizHackLive webinar encouraged professionals to prepare in-depth notes to bring with them to the event they are speaking at. Even well-known historical figures like Winston Churchill would forget their lines when speaking to a crowd, he said. 

“Never trust your memory without your manuscript,” Bricker said. 

To prevent forgetting your lines during an important presentation, Bricker suggested that speakers bring a complete copy of their presentation that is full of specific notes and directions to guide them. 

These notes can include underlining words you want to ensure you emphasize or writing in pauses where you feel are appropriate and add to the feeling you wish to instill in your audience. 

Another strategy Bricker recommended when preparing your notes is to break up paragraphs of speech into “Psalm form,” or more simple and manageable paragraphs that resemble your natural thought process. Breaking a long speech into smaller lines or paragraphs also makes it simpler for you to memorize as much as possible before your presentation. 

Marking up your speech or presentation with notes is an effective way to ensure you remember every vocal cue, hand motion, and tidbit of information that works to make your presentation dynamic and impactful. Giving yourself this extra help during your big moment can also help relieve public speaking anxiety that may inhibit your personality and preparation from shining through!

Want to read more about leveling up your presentation skills? For more information, click here.

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