How LinkedIn Can Help Connect You To International Opportunities

LinkedIn marketing gives users the ability to connect with millions of potential customers across the globe.

Leveraging LinkedIn marketing is your ticket to making the most of the world’s largest online networking database. 

With more than 766 million members, LinkedIn is the place to be in the world of B2B sales, marketing, and branding. Since the pandemic digital relationships have become prominently more important than ever. LinkedIn is the tool that all B2B businesses need in order to expand their opportunities beyond their current location. 

At our #BizHackLive Webinar, Debbie Wemyss, an Independent LinkedIn Specialist, said LinkedIn’s rapid growth is a critical benefit for professionals looking to build their network. 

“After 18 years of growth, LinkedIn is still adding more than two new members per second around the world,” Wemyss said at a #BizHackLive Webinar. “That’s a phenomenal opportunity for anyone that’s in business or trying to create partnerships and alliances.”

These partnerships and alliances are what users can leverage in their LinkedIn marketing to progress their professional branding and spread their business’ message. Fostering common interests and synergy with your LinkedIn connections is critical to achieving your professional goals, Wemyss said. 

“Every time you bring in a new person to your network, you are boosting your network in a big way by the number of people that can find you with those organic searches,” Wemyss said. “You want to strive to have something in common or some synergy with every person you connect with.” 

Building your LinkedIn network is simple and sustainable if you spend a few minutes each day reaching out to new users and cultivating relationships with people in your network. This can include connecting with your cell phone contacts on LinkedIn or sharing screenshots of virtual meetings and tagging other colleagues that are in the photo, Wemyss said. LinkedIn marketing involves a long-term commitment to building relationships with potential leads. 

“It is a relationship-building site that can lead you to business later,” Wemyss said. “If you skip that step of relationship building, you are not going to have anywhere near the engagement and success on LinkedIn as a marketing tool as you could.”

As part of its success in bringing traditional marketing to a virtual format, LinkedIn marketing combines “old school networking with leading-edge technology,” according to Wemyss. This combination is one of the critical reasons that implementing LinkedIn tips and branding techniques are the perfect addition to your marketing strategy when in-person connection is not as frequent.

Want to read more tips to improve your LinkedIn marketing skills? For more information, click here.

Digital marketing doesn’t need to be difficult. The BizHack Lead Building System is a proven methodology for small business marketing. BizHack founder Dan Grech developed the LBS over 7 years working with more than 700 small businesses around the world and across every industry. Take control of your small business marketing today, click here.