[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]One of the keys right now for surviving and thriving during Covid-19 is the ability to get your core customers to come back. Research has shown us that acquiring and onboarding customers is necessary, but also expensive. Keeping customers for the long term is the key to making our organizations more profitable. Richard Shapiro, founder, and president of The Center For Client Retention (TCFCR) gave us 5 tips to help business owners get back their customers and keep them coming back. These are low hanging fruits that can be implemented immediately in your current business strategy.

“Customers are people first, customers second,” Richard Shapiro said during his #BizHackLive webinar. He shared his secrets for customer loyalty and what drives repeat business based on his research with thousands of customers. With over 40 years of customer experience, Richard guarantees what he has shared in this webinar, works.

For the full recap click here. – to find out more here

For a replay of the webinar click here. – to find out more here

Dan[/vc_column_text][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner][vc_empty_space][vc_text_separator title=”Recap: 5 Tips to Get Your Customers to Come Back with Richard Shapiro”][vc_column_text]

3 Important things to note about your customers:

#1 Customers are people first, customers second.
#2 Always welcome your customers into your store/site as you would into your home.
#3 The importance of and how to create an emotional bond with each customer from day one.

It is getting harder to bring in customers these days. Customers are less loyal, they have more options, and there are so many vehicles for getting new customers through the door that cost a bit of money. That money is essentially going down the drain if you do not have a proactive plan in place for retaining your customers.

Prior to the pandemic, Google searches for businesses were already on the rise, the process has accelerated tenfold during, and as we begin to come out of the pandemic. It is more important now than ever to understand that your site is basically your home.

Does your site welcome new customers the way you would welcome someone into your home?[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][vc_row_inner][vc_column_inner][vc_empty_space][vc_text_separator title=”5 Tips to Get Your Customers to Come Back“][vc_column_text]1. Connect before connecting – Both an important strategy and concept. It is important to engage with the customer before you sell. All marketing is person to person- no matter what kind of service/product you offer.

Real-Life Case Study: The American Heart Association
The American Heart Association’s website immediately asks for a donation. They share nothing about their organization, research, how they handle their funds, etc. There is nothing to engage a potential donor which initially closes the door to any potential connection.

Real-Life Case Study: Mitchell Family Stores
The Mitchell Family Stores is a luxury retailer with a site that welcomes engagement at first glance. You have the opportunity to pick out the style advisor that you would like to work with, read a quick bio on your chosen stylist and make the decision on whether you would like to work with them. This is the right way to create a 1:1 relationship. People are hungry for human to human interaction.

2. Listen for magic phrases – Your phone is the most valuable tool that you have in your toolbox as a business owner. You should use your phone to create personal connections. Listen for magic phrases- statements that people make that are opportunities to create a relationship by learning a bit more about them.

3. Use words to create relationships – “I can help you with that, but do you mind if I ask you a few questions?” This phrase gives you a chance for connection and a better understanding of how you can service your customer.
Never ask, “Do you have any other questions?” This makes it seem like you only have time for one more question. “What other questions do you have?” welcomes a few more questions that will help you land more business or better service a customer.

4. Invite the customer to return – This is the key to customer retention. Please come back vs. I want to see you again. At the end of a date, if we do not hear “I would like to see you again,” we automatically think they do not want to see us again and we are probably right. This works the same way in business. If you have successfully established a connection with your customer, you will want to see them again to hear about how their daughter’s wedding went, or find out how their trip went, etc. That is how you continue the relationship.

5. Don’t ever say no – People do not like to be told no. Never say no right off the bat. Always use phrases like, “let me check” or “let me get back to you”. Even if you are the owner of your business, an employee might have figured out something you haven’t. It will not always be about going up the ladder but also going down the ladder. Even if the answer is ultimately no, people will appreciate your efforts.

Bonus: Conduct customer interviews

Customers will tell you anything. You just have to ask the right questions and in the right order. Never call this a customer SURVEY.[/vc_column_text][/vc_column_inner][/vc_row_inner][/vc_column][/vc_row]