All About Them : How to Build Your Business Today

Less than 20 years ago, the key to selling yourself was simply to promote how great you were. After all, if you didn’t blow your own horn, who would? And unless you could afford a robust advertising campaign, selling yourself was the only way anyone could learn about you.

In those good old days (before the Internet) the words “customer service” said everything you needed to know. Your customer would show up and you would provide service.

End of discussion.

But today, customers have unlimited choices of where to shop and what to watch. And they have unlimited ways of communicating their pleasure — or displeasure — with your business.

Today we each carry a thin wafer of silicon and glass that gives us immediate access to all the world’s knowledge. And all of your potential clients and customers have access to this same technology. This means they can know everything about you before they ever interact with your business. Success today requires you to turn the lens around and relentlessly focus on your customer.


Bruce Turkel’s wildly entertaining presentation includes fascinating examples of the history of the world to headlines ripped right out of today’s paper. You will be educated, entertained, and enlightened by Bruce’s talk. Watch now!


In this dynamic 60-minute live webinar, Bruce will leave you with a great plan for your business and your future. 

You will discover:

    • How to see what success looks like
    • Why you must stop selling what you do
    • The secret behind content and context
    • Why it’s always All About Them, and
    • The profitable power of CC2CC

Want to learn more about building your personal brand? Discover how LinkedIn can help you build a brand that people can connect to and love.