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Ana Mantica Berger brings nearly 20 years of journalism, marketing and communications experience. She got her start as a journalist writing and editing for women’s health magazines in New York City. Life took her to Fort Wayne, IN, where she helped manage editorial and digital content for Vera Bradley and launched its social media presence. In 2013, she returned home to Miami as a writer for the University of Miami’s fundraising office during its major fundraising campaign, Momentum 2. Most recently, she served as The Miami Foundation’s first editorial manager and as director of communications and digital engagement for Miami Dade College Foundation and Office of Alumni Relations. Along the way, she picked up skills in student counseling, community psychology and nonprofit management. Ana now combines her love for storytelling, pride for Miami and desire to champion girl ambition at Girl Scouts of Tropical Florida as its director of marketing and communications.

On the side, she freelances for local and national outlets and nonprofits, volunteers for Big Brothers Big Sisters, and moonlights as a mentor and connector. Ana holds her bachelor and master degrees in journalism from The Medill School at Northwestern University, a master of education in school counseling from Indiana University and a master of education in community and social change from the University of Miami. She completed the BizHack Academy in the fall of 2019 and the Greater Miami Chamber of Commerce’s Leadership Miami program in 2015. Ana was born and raised in Miami and attended Our Lady of Lourdes Academy. During her free time, you’ll see her in Coconut Grove running with Team Footworks and walking her dog, Coffey Beane, with her nose in a historical fiction book, or at a yoga or pilates studio.

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