
Writing SEO Content for Humans: EEAT

The discussion covers topics from creating content that satisfies search engine algorithms to writing SEO content for humans that aligns with the criteria used by Google’s evaluators.

This involves a detailed look at the EEAT framework (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness and Trustworthiness), which is crucial for ensuring content not only meets technical SEO standards but also resonates with human quality assessors at Google.

Key Highlights:

Introduction to the EEAT Framework: The EEAT framework emphasizes the credibility of the content creator and the quality of the content itself. It’s less about storytelling and more about showcasing the author’s qualifications and the authenticity of the information provided. This framework has been a part of Google’s assessment criteria for a considerable time, with recent updates incorporating a new element, Experience, to emphasize the importance of personal expertise in content creation.

Understanding Experience in EEAT: Experience, as a component of EEAT, highlights the necessity of showing firsthand knowledge or personal experience relevant to the content. For instance, in a blog about kennel cough, mentioning actual veterinary experiences, such as treating kennel cough, significantly enhances the content’s value and authenticity. It reflects a deep understanding and direct interaction with the subject matter, which automated tools like AI content generators often lack.

The Role of Expertise: Expertise involves demonstrating that the content creator is highly knowledgeable and credentialed in the topic discussed. This can be further emphasized through author bios and profiles that link to their professional backgrounds, such as LinkedIn profiles or professional accolades. Ensuring that the content is attributed to a credible author rather than anonymously can significantly boost its perceived expertise.

Authoritativeness and Social Proof: Authoritativeness is supported by showing not just internal expertise but also external validation through social proof such as citations, testimonials and links to reputable sources. Including outbound links to authoritative sources can enhance the content’s credibility and show that the writer has researched the topic thoroughly.

Trustworthiness: This aspect focuses on the ethical presentation of content, including website security (e.g., SSL certificates), correct and honest information, and avoidance of misleading or harmful information. It’s also about ensuring the website and its content do not appear manipulative or spammy, which can detract from user trust.

Practical Application of EEAT: The discussion includes practical tips on how to integrate EEAT into content effectively. For instance, when revising AI-generated articles, adding personal anecdotes or insights can make the content more engaging and trustworthy. It’s also recommended to ensure that all factual claims are supported by up-to-date and reliable sources, thereby enhancing the article’s authority and trustworthiness.

By focusing on these elements, content creators can significantly improve how their content is perceived by both Google’s algorithms and manual reviewers. This not only helps in achieving better SEO results but also in building a trustworthy and authoritative online presence.